Saturday, June 22, 2002

Bridging the generation gap accross the digital divide: teens teaching internet skills to senior citizens.

With the intent of closing the digital divide, the Teens Teaching Internet Skills Pilot Project engaged youth from 4-H Technology Teams in six states in training senior citizens to navigate and obtain information from the Medicare Web site. The teens perceived an improvement in working with seniors, project management, teaching, public speaking, and leadership. The workshops had a positive effect on seniors' comfort and skill levels towards technology.

This intergenerational experience in leadership and technology training provided learning and skill development for both groups and led to positive changes in attitudes towards the other generation.

Cranwell, M., J. Kolodinsky, and E. Rowe. (2002). Bridging the generation gap accross the digital divide: teens teaching internet skills to senior citizens. Journal of Extension, 40(3).

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